Tuesday, October 12, 2010


i've been getting this question a lot lately, and i would like to settle it. stop asking me where waldo is. he's right here and he is just fine. living in 1984.

now that that bit of tired idiocy is out of the way...

on the way into work this morning i was behind a car with an obama '08 sticker on its bumper. well, half of one. seems the owner, or a drunk, tried to peel it off. but thinking back the past few months, i have been seeing a lot of those "half-on, half-off" obama stickers. seems fitting that since he has been president he has been "half-ass", huh? half the sticker on the ass of your car.

i even still see bush/cheney stickers on cars...ok TRUCKS...from time to time. jesus christ, people. OK. YOUR GUY WON. time to take that razor away from your wrist and use it to properly take the sticker off the rusted bumper of your 1989 chevy s10.

come to think of it, i think the only reason barry is president is because of the bumper stickers. a lot of them had what i like to call "dope appeal". for instance, the one where it depicts obama looking up (looking up at a cloud? a rainbow? a blimp? the summit of the invisible mountain of cash he has spent that is now a reality?). he's looking up with the red, white and blue backround. you know the one. now picture that - then this -

now that you saw that, it might make a bit more sense why the obama stickers would be so close to a person's exhaust i.e. a smoking pipe. i think since most liberal potheads voted for obama, i'm almost sure there was a demographic of that group who actually thought they were voting for bob marley. or ziggy marley. or ziggy stardust. same thing. dope appeal. obama hazit.

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