hello. and welcome to my blogocybertronicmegasphere.
decided to start one of these since farcebook seems to being going down the shitter - soon to be joining it's twice-removed cousin, myspace, in the sewage treatment plant of social sites.
i am lazy and don't conform to using capital letters in the "proper" context when i type. let 's just say that i don't use capital letters when i type. EVER. :) - ok i should re-phrase that. what i MEANT to say is that i DO use capital letters when i TYPE however i am just too lazy to type them AT the beginning of any sentence....
...or when referring to a proper noun. proper nouns are like conceited fuckwits and i feel no need to put them in a class by themselves. common nouns work 9-5 like i do. proper nouns day-trade at home because it's "greener". common nouns buy the first round at happy hour. proper nouns leave that fresh pot of coffee you just made bone-dry. common nouns are easy to deal with. proper nouns just aren't my TYPE.
besides my capitalization shortcomings, i believe my grammar and spelling are above average. if i am completely thrown by the spelling of a word, i have no qualms about looking the correct spelling up. but please, feel free to correct me in all manners - including spelling and grammar. spelling police are criticized entirely too much. they're just trying to help you. if one calls you out, throw your pride in the hamper for a second and say "i make mistakes too. maybe part of my thinking is flawed" three times. real fast. then in japanese (if you're fluent). it's therapeutic. trust me.
ok, i need to get back to work before a proper noun writes me up. more to come. soon.
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